By Albee, Philippines

Description: Not long after he accepted God’s work, Albee encountered a series of unfavorable things, and he felt very distressed and developed complaints about God. Later through William’s fellowship, he came to understand God’s will and emerged from his pain.

Exhausted and depressed after a busy day, Albee alone climbed up a mountain at dusk. Sitting in silence, he recalled the series of unfortunate things he encountered recently and felt very sad, tears uncontrollably streaming down his face. In weakness, he had a strong desire to pour out his depression to William, a good brother of his in the church, so he took out his cellphone and edited a message to William.

Albee: ... Read more »

Category: Spiritual Life | Views: 142 | Added by: simple31419526 | Date: 10.25.2019

rapture meaning,second coming of jesus christ,bible prophecy

Is the Goal of Being Raptured Into the Air Achievable?

By Li Huan

Like many brothers and sisters who truly believe in the Lord, I have been longing for the second coming of Jesus, holding to the words in the Bible, “Then we which are alive and remain shall be raptured together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). Thus, we have been obsessively ... Read more »

Category: Bible Prophecy | Views: 248 | Added by: simple31419526 | Date: 10.25.2019

By Xiang Guangming

After the Lord Jesus was resurrected and ascended to heaven, all Christians who sincerely believed in Him began to look forward to His second coming. In particular, we who have been born into the last days even more so look forward to His second coming when He shall raise us up into the heavenly kingdom. While we hold onto this hope, are we aware of the way in which the second coming of the Lord will appear to us? This question relates to the important matter of whether or ... Read more »

Category: Topics | Views: 115 | Added by: simple31419526 | Date: 10.25.2019